ArtCan artists were invited to respond to the theme ‘Set in Stone’:

To be set in stone relating to a plan or an idea. Depending on timing and perspective this can be restricted or motivating.

Nothing is yet…

Everything can change until it is…

Once set, the rules are then immovable. The conclusion has been reached. The creation is complete. 

During these unusual times, the notion of anything being ‘set in stone’ is challenging for us all.


Featured artists include:

Andrea Tyrimos, Anil Mistry, Anna-Louise Felstead, Anna Marie Savage, Aisling Drennan, Bob Barron, Catherine Sweet, Emma Hill, Geraldine Molia, Hamish Macaulay, Hedy Parry Davies, Jean Gillespie, Kira Phoenix K’inan, Laura Parker, Lawrence Mathias, Lesley Oldaker, KV Duong, Sal Jones, Simon Probyn, Sophie Anne Wyth.

Curator: Jen Wiggle

My painting, ‘Stone Unturned’ was finished in the first week of our first lockdown, March 2020. I made it specifically for this exhibition and with the theme in mind, my usual painting process changed in direction and movement. Instead of meandering brush strokes and zigzags, here the extra large swipe works in a circular motion, creating a stone.

SET IN STONE, in collaboration with ArtCan and 44AD artspace, Bath

14-19th September 2021

Emma Hill