Art & Synchronicity

I love connecting the dots to circumstances or events that link so wonderfully together. Many could say it’s coincidence but I choose to see it as synchronicity, I like to see it as the universe paving the way, guiding me in the right direction. and I particularly love it when it is art related. Other people’s art has been fundamental in my own artist journey, giving me comfort , reasurance and joy during time’s I’ve needed it most, when I haven’t been able to paint myself. My desire to create then is to make paintings that give others this same feeling of hope, inspiration and joy, as others artwork has given me.

Back to Synchronicity then, this is what Google has to say:

'“ Synchronicity is a term that is frequently used to represent the process of experiences coming together and forming some sort of meaning. Synchronistic occurrences are formidable and propel us forward with a surge of ephemeral courage. “

And… “The law of synchronicity operates from the belief that our souls attract people, places and events into our lives that help us to grow, develop, make meaning and evolve in consciousness.”

Here are the paintings mentioned in the YouTube video above.

Below, “Hope in Hell” By Dan Baldwin. I treat to myself for getting into the Liberty Open Call Final.


At the start of “Graffiti Summer” My winning painting for the Liberty Open Call.

Do you see the abstract lamb, echoing the lamb above?

Above: Graffiti Summer

Below: “Hope” and “Joy” Paintings I created during the beginning of our first lockdown in spring 2020.The start looks almost biblical, the first image has a 2 metre inverted rainbow, which was painted on Sir Captain Tom Moore’s 100th Birthday as he raised £30+ million walking up and down his garden raising money for the NHS. The rainbow was also significant as children’s rainbow’s hung in their windows for hope, solidarity and gratitude for the NHS. Although the rainbow being inverted was a mistake, could it be a subconscious intention, while we sit at home looking deep inside ourselves. Although I intended to paint trees as I took daily walks around the golf club down the road, It would seem I painted the pond I passed each day instead, ironically called “Jessica’s Pond.'“

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The last painting on the second image show’s '“Joy” with just a hint of the original rainbow, this one won me a painting by Jessica Zoob, called “Sunlit Water’s” So meaningful to me as I had a year looking everyday at Jessica’s painting in a book I have of her work.

Below are some paintings by Jessica which gave me so much joy from at a time couldn’t paint.

Dan Baldwin, “Go Within, Breathe Out, Breathe In” and “Stay With Me Forever”

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The first image here, “Go Within, Breathe Out, Breathe In” is my most recent gift to myself, a print in collaboration with CALM and Jealous, an edition of 18 to reflect the number of people in the UK who take their lives in the UK, with all proceeds going to CALM. This came to me the day I released a podcast episode as I was asked about the artwork I collected and I said it’s about time I find another ‘gift’ to myself. This then mark’s my spiritual awakening, picking up from where I left my searching 20 years ago.

“Stay With Me Forever” Is one of my favourite paintings, I saw it in a show at Maddox Gallery with my kids and took a photo of them standing one on each side as they loved it too. Imagine my surprise when I see a photo of my sister in law in her home in LA with the very same painting gracing the wall of here home!

1st image: Nicholas Wilton, whose breadcrumbs crumbs Art2Life challenge has taken me back to painting and playing, creating an inquiry, on an exploration of discovery, in search of my true self, my soul and self, finding and remembering my joy. I am now, lagging behind but within my own pace embarking on “Spark” finding new directions and possibilities.

2nd Image: Judy Woods, Love this, winner of Art2Life, check out her freebie course starting tomorrow.

3rd image: Louise Fletcher, I’m looking forward to receive her new book ‘Life Force” illustrating Ted Hugh’s Poetry. & Oh my goodness I am totally hooked on the podcast she co-hosts with Alice Sheridan called ART JUICE and they have both been on Nicholas’ signature course and interviewed him twice.

It’s weird really, so these 3 connections, with artists located in different parts of the world, (California, New Zealand and Yorkshire) suggest to me that I have so much to learn here. In painting, more than just intuition, in, wow, such a fantastic podcast - and teaching, not technically, but intuitively, finding your voice, expression and joy. And that’s why I’m putting myself crinkly forward on video, in the aim of getting better, sharing my story and finding my way. I’m excited and curious, stepping into the unknown, I trust and believe I’ll get to where I want to be and be successful.

Visit artist’s websites:

Emma Hill