EP 27: Art 2 HeArt: The Finsbury Park Deltics, Art Seeking Signposts in Popular Culture Chaos. Art. But Not As You Know It.

Today on Art Seeker Stories podcast, I have an Art 2 HeArt with Paul of The Finsbury Park Deltics,  a multi media artist, whose work references popular culture using written, drawn and photographic symbols, a world where light-heartedness reigns supreme (some of the time) and where rules are undermined, is then created. 

 And, lurking somewhere in the chaos, you will find signposts; signposts to a community now only ever seen through a blurred lens, enmeshed in hyperbole and ultraviolence; signposts to a country that maybe never existed. 

 In this episode we chat about fake news, the shifts between perspectives, ideas and thoughts constantly evolving and changing in time. From terrorism, social media and Covid and today with Russia at war in Ukraine. We talk about how a single image can be more powerful than words and how art has the power to change our future, creating community and essential for mental health and well being.

 This is The Finsbury Park Deltics. Art. But not as you know it.

 Paul's book recommendation:
The Bulletproof Coffin Series by David Hine
Crecy by Warren Ellis
What Do Men Want by Nina Power

You can find out more about Paul below.
Website : www.thefinsburyparkdeltics.com
Instagram : @thefinsburyparkdeltics

Emma Hill