Graffiti Love

I love graffiti and I’m not really sure what it is that pulls me in, be it the colour, the vastness and there size of it or simply the clean graphic and repeat in pattern. It’s not always that way, sometimes it’s layered and old, peeling away histories and stories of what was before. Walking around London E1, Brick Lane and Shoreditch, with my daughter and her boyfriend. On her 14th birthday I took photos of her with graffiti that became the the inspiration for my #LibertyOpenCall winning painting. Now three years on she’s taking the photo’s, portraits. Except I can’t help myself either - I’m not just going to hang around. I feel that same energy of capturing a moment, back in the day I was traveling worldwide. I constantly see frozen moments captured in time, compositions and interactions. This time I let it pass, she has the camera, I have the phone. Instead I stick with the wall and enjoy what East London has to offer. My favourite moment walking into a park by the railway tracks, surrounded wall to wall with tags and in front a boy of 10 plays his drums out on the grass.

Graffiti Summer, my #LibertyOpenCall winning painting.

In process - complete & transformed into Liberty fabric.

Emma Hill