Starting Small : Layering Up, Taking Away & Filling In.

Evaluating my creative journey. Do I try something different, take risks or not? I always say, if you have the idea, then yes, go for it. Push your boundaries, you just might find what you are looking for, or something great when you least expect it. I make a start which I like and as soon as I’m beginning to like it, I’ve keep going and….. Oh no, It’s turned into something awful. Now I know this is just part of my process, the good thing about it is, it’s difficult to ruin something that is bad already - so there is only one way to go. Onwards and upwards - & keep going. Now I’m learning to block bits out that becomes too much, that helps and I’m looking forward to do that on something bigger later on.

Taking the risk.

I get to the point where I really liked what I have, but it looked pretty much the same as what I usually do, so I find myself asking, do I collage or don’t I? As I have the thought, I then have to try. At first this was a really bad idea, it looked like something a 2 year old would do - not that there is anything wrong with that - but is it art? Ugh….. By now then it is either destined for the bin, or I just keep going. I continue.

Funny really because what I didn’t like, the cut out stick - plonk it on kind of look - I now love. If you paint over it in part or draw onto it, it then connect’s with everything else. I like the clean cut edges and block of colour, it works well creating contrast and difference.

Emma Hill